It is with great sadness that I write this post to let you all know that both Rowena and Ali sadly passed away this week. They were two of the most incredible and inspiring people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
They were given just a short time to live when first diagnosed but both have lived years longer than doctors predicted. In that time they showed us all that a terminal diagnosis doesn’t have to be the end of life but can be the start of a new life.
Ali and her incredible family have fundraised tirelessly for cancer research and she was the inspiration in setting up a Team 101 at this years Ascot Relay for Life.
Rowena inspired thousands of people with her television documentary about life with terminal cancer and her laugh and positive energy infected everyone who had the honour of meeting her.
I had been visiting Rowena in her hospice these past two months and it has broken my heart to see her in such pain. The only comfort we can take from their loss is knowing that they are now free from any pain and suffering.
Our love and thoughts are with the families of these amazing girls who will stay in our hearts forever.