Post Tramatic Stress Disorder

Shine Cancer Support podcast
I’ve made no secret of my experience with my mental health issues after cancer. This is a topic that is now coming to the forefront of cancer treatment and after care. My main reason for sharing my story was to raise awareness about the psychological effects of cancer. It was these mental health issues that led me to change my life and embark on this trip around the world. At the time I felt it was my only hope. I don’t really feel like that anymore but that story is for another time.
I recently recorded a podcast for the wonderful people at Shine Cancer Support in the UK. I’ve had the pleasure of being closely involved with them for the past year or so.
This podcast was part of a show called ‘NOT YOUR GRANDMAS CANCER SHOW hosted by the wonderful Tatum De Roeck.
In this show myself and two other amazing people discuss PTSD and anxiety and how we have coped with it.
It’s well worth a listen.…/NYGCS%2022042015%20Fu…
If you are short on time then you can listen to my podcast here but I would definitely recommend listening to both Richard and Natalie’s stories as well. They both amazing people.…/ptsd%20-%20greig%20trout.m4a…
For those of you who are short on data like me, you can also read the blog post I wrote here :-…/life-but-not-as…/
I hoe this goes some way to helping those of you who struggle like I did. I don’t have all the answers and something tells me that when I get home I’ll have to keep working hard to keep this anxiety in check but as I say in the podcast; “You are not alone and there is hope”.