Ridiculously happy in Hobbiton

I think I could get away with writing very little in this post and just let my cheesy ear to ear smile in all these photos do all the talking.
My visit to Hobbiton was everything and more that I’d hoped it would be.
Before you continue reading this you must know that movies are very special to me. Movies along with books have the unique ability to transport you to another world when your own world seems like it’s getting a bit dark. They can be a form of escapism, they can inspire and best of all they can make you feel good. I love them to bits and I watched a lot when I was ill.
I’ve made no secret of my title as total ‘Lord of the Rings Geek’ so this really was a dream come true.
Ever since I watched the very first film back in 2001 I was mesmerised by the incredible world of Middle Earth. I remember my friend Miles asking if I wanted to go to the pictures to see a film called the Fellowship of the Ring. I asked what it was about and he and laughed at me because I’d never even heard of the book; Lord of the Rings by JR. Tolkien.
I watched this film and was absolutely mesmerised by what I saw. It was everything I loved about the movies. I was immediately immersed in the world of Middle Earth, I fell in love with the characters and I loved the never tiring story of good versus evil.
One of my favourite quotes of all time comes from this wonderful story. In the scene where Frodo is explaining to Gandalf that he wished all this evil had not happened in his time. Gandalf replies with;
“So do I and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us”.
I think about this quote a lot. This issue of ‘why me?’ and ‘time’ is something every person who has experienced illness or a traumatic life event thinks about a lot both during and after the experience. I’m glad I used the extra time I’ve been given to do this wonderful trip. I am very grateful to have it.
When the movie ended I remember feeling absolutely gutted that we had to wait another whole year to see what happened next. I then decided to read the book as I just couldn’t wait to find out what happened next.
Those who have seen the Fellowship of Ring will know that after the initial introduction about the forging of the ring we are then transported to Hobbiton. A beautiful little village of Hobbit holes built on the side of gorgeous green rolling hills. Packed with happy tiny people with big hairy feet like my friends Ruth and Lisa!:) I remember thinking that Hobbiton looked like the most blissful and happy place ever!
It was after watching the DVD extras that I realised that the scenery for this make believe land of Middle Earth was actually the beautiful country of New Zealand. It was these three movies that were my inspiration for visiting New Zealand.
When I found out that Hobbiton was made into a permanent tourist attraction I just knew I had to go.
So on a cloudy and rainy day I set off on one of the tours and as you’ll see even the bad weather couldn’t ruin this experience or the beauty of Hobbiton for me. The place is stunning and complete with smoking chimneys, tiny Hobbit clothes hanging on washing lines and even has the Green Dragon pub at the end for a cheeky glass of shire ale.
The guide told us stories as we went round and I could not stop smiling.
Hobbiton is actually built on a working farm. Apparently the farmer had no idea what Lord of the Rings was before agreeing to let Peter Jackson transform an area of his farm into Hobbiton. I bet he is happy he said yes tho!:)
I’ve said “I can’t believe I’m here” quite a few times on this trip but I think I said more in this 1 hour tour than at any other time. I loved every second of this!
I’ve now found out that you can hire Hobbiton for weddings so here is a warning to my future wife:- WE WILL BE GETTING MARRIED IN HOBBITON AND WE WILL BE DRESSING UP IN FULL COSTUME!:)