Made it… almost!

I’m just about to jump on flight number three of my 33 hour journey from London to Broome, Australia. I’ve landed in Perth and now have a 6 hour wait until my next flight so have turned on my Facebook to find the most wonderful messages from you. I’ve been reading through them all and they are just amazing. Thank you so much. I’m all fired up now and ready for action! Well, I might be ready after about 10 hours of sleep!:)
I love natural and ‘in the moment’ photos. My dream would be to have someone travel with me and capture the moments of what it’s truly like to be a backpacker. I feel like sometimes I only ever post the smiley and ‘standing in front of something epic’ pictures but occasionally it’s nice to see the in between bits as well because they are also sometimes my favourite parts as well.
Obviously this isn’t a completely natural photo but I was sitting like this trying to have a wee nap and I thought I would set up the camera and take a photo to capture what life on the road is often like. (The thai stewardesses opposite me thought I was very strange).
Travelling can often involve a lot of waiting around but I actually love it. I never seem to be in a rush for anything nowadays (which may well annoy future employers) although being late for things is still a big no no for me. I love these times because there are so many things I can do like read, listen to music or write and it’s a great opportunity to just to stop and take it all in. For example I was sitting there and I looked out of the window and I saw an Australian flag and I thought…Yowzers! I’m in Australia! Crazy! It’s strange that you actually have to stop for a moment or two to actually fully comprehend these things.
So the next stop is Broome! I’m still planning my route round Australia but I would absolutely love to meet up with everyone from OZ who has messaged me. You guys are so generous. Thank you. I’ll let you know when I’m going to be in town and hopefully we can meet and you can show me the real Australia! Australia is enormous by the way! Wow!
Thanks you so much once again everyone for your kind words. I feel very honoured to have you with me.