My journey to Patagonia

The last week or so has mainly involved trying to get to Southern Patagonia. As spring approaches back home in the UK winter is on its way down here so I wanted to get here before it really kicks in.
My pal Ryan and I jumped on 36 hour ferry from a place called Puerto Montt in Chile (where we spent a couple of nights in a national park called Cochamo which had the most amazing mountains and waterfall) down to a place called Puerto Chacabuco. We we’re told we would be in a dormitory but to our surprise we got our own private en-suite room which was the best news ever!
I’ve been feeling really tired recently and think I may have overdone it with the volcano climb so it was lovely to have an excuse to do absolutely nothing but read my book ( A Game of Thrones! It’s really good!). I slept, ate, read and slept a whole lot more! It was bliss and I felt back to my best afterwards so all good.
After we got off the ferry we were taken to a woman’s house in Puerto Aysen by the bus driver where I shared a room with a French couple. It’s a very strange thing sleeping next to a couple you’ve never met before but they were the loveliest people who didn’t snore….much!:) They were heading the same way as us so we all got another bus to Coyhaique where we had 4 hours to wait for another bus. During that time I quickly got my head shaved and then jumped on another bus to place called Rio Ibanez where we all had to wait another day for another ferry across Lake General Carrera to Chile Chico.
A one hour bus ride to Los Antiguos and we were finally in Southern Argentina. A nights stay in a hostel this time sharing a room with the French couple and Ryan (things are starting to get weird now!:)) and then a 16 hour bus journey to where I am now, El Calafate….The capital of Patagonia!
Tomorrow I’m off to see one of my childhood dreams….The Perito Morino Glacier! A massive glacier which I’ve seen in geography books all my life. I’m ridiculously excited!
On Sunday we head back into Chile for a five day hike in what is widely considered to be the most beautiful National Park in South America. I reckon that’s where I’m going to make my money back on my new hiking boots!:)x