I did it!!!

It is still sinking in that I have actually done this. It was the most mind blowing surreal thing I’ve ever done.
As I shimmied towards the door when we reached 15,000ft I still couldn’t quite fathom what I was about to do. I had been arming myself with thoughts of cancer and how this couldn’t be as bad but as we flew up but I found myself thinking of all your lovely messages of support on my last post.
Thank you so so much. I read them all this morning and I thought about them all day right up until I jumped.
I must admit they all flew out my head when I literally ‘fell’ out of the plane and were quickly replaced with “Aaaahhhhhh” and then “THIS IS AMAAAZING”
Unfortunately the video and photos weren’t ready when I left Queenstown so ill head back tomorrow and pick them up but I just wanted you all to know that I did it and I’m still alive!:)
The video should be hilarious. Patrick Swayze in Point Break I certainly was not! Expect to see a very scared then ridiculously excited Greig with the video ending with me hugging and thanking both the camera man and my tandem master who must have thought I was an absolute nutter!:)
A huge thank you to my friends Ruth and Ozen who also did the jump with me. Ruth started crying as soon as she saw the plane but did the jump anyway. So brave. Well done Ruthie! We faced our fear and won!
Happy new year gang.