Would like a 101 Things to Do When You Survive t-shirt?

Amazingly I’ve been spotted by strangers twice now since I embarked on this wonderful adventure. Once at Iguazu Falls in Argentina and then again in a bar in Washington DC in the states. The best thing about this was that these people didn’t recognise me, they recognised the 101 t-shirt! Love it!
The first photo of what now has become the trademark ‘101 pose’ was taken in the town of Leon in Nicaragua in October last year (photo 2). I wanted a photo taken in front of the cathedral and my friend Gemma suggested I instead turn around and get a photo taken of the back of my T-Shirt.
And that was that! I’ve had photos taken with my back to the camera ever since. It initially started out as way to get the logo in the photo but it has gone on to mean so much more than that.
I now have most of my photos taken like this because I want you guys to imagine that it is you who is seeing and doing all these wonderful things.
I am not going to travel forever but I really want to keep 101 Things To Do When You Survive going when I’ve finished. I think it can help a lot of people in terms of fundraising but most of all in inspiring hope within others. There are lots of amazing people out there and I want to learn all about you.
Yesterday I set up another Facebook page called ‘Friends of 101 Things To Do When You Survive‘. In the new year I will also have a website built to go with this.
This page will consist of a collection of blogs written by you amazing people doing the things that make you happy. These things may be on your ‘bucket list’ or they might just be things that fill your heart with joy. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it makes you feel happy. You don’t have to have had cancer to be part of this. We are all survivors in one way or another. This is about everyone and it is about spreading positivity.
I’d love for you guys to write, film a video and/or post a photo about whatever experience you are doing and send it to me at friendsof101@gmail.com
I will then update the page and the website for you.
To go with this I will soon be selling 101 Things To Do When You Survive T-Shirts that you can wear or hold up for your photos. The idea behind this will be to continue to spread the message of hope but also have a bit of fun. I also think it makes the photo more interesting than the normal face to camera photos.
I would love nothing more than to see all of you achieve your dreams or show me and everyone else just what it is that makes you happy. You can also share your stories in order to inspire others.
I would love to know what you think of this? If there is good feedback then I will let the T-Shirt printing company know that we are interested and get the green light.
In the mean time feel free to like the ‘Friends of 101 Things To Do When You Survive‘ page and we’ll get started on this ‘Hope spreading revolution’. https://www.facebook.com/friendsof101