A time to say goodbye

The time has come to say goodbye to the people I love most in the world. On Thursday I jump on a plane headed for the other side of the earth. Yesterday the butterfly’s started and today the head itching (another annoying side effect of my anxiety) started but at least this time I know it’s from more apprehension and excitement rather than fear.
When I get nervous about going away I always think back to 4 years ago and the feeling I had just before my operation. The elevator doors shutting as I went up to theatre and me saying “I’ll see you later” to my loved one. As the doors closed all I could think of was that there were vascular surgeons on standby in case my enlarged veins from my blood clot proved ‘problematic’ and the realisation that as a 30 year old I would probably be waking up to a life long colostomy bag. Fortunately none of those things were needed. The surgeon was a genius that day and I woke up to a few more wires coming out of me and a weird glued up cut down my abdomen.
I remember my brother staring at the size of my catheter tube in disbelief and asking “is that going where I think it’s going?” Ha! It still makes me laugh.
So when I get scared about doing something like this I think back to that day and I realise that there is nothing on this planet that can be as bad as the feeling I had as those elevator doors shut.
I’ve put some photos in this post just to show you some of the wonderful things I’ve been up to in the past couple of weeks. Being at home hasn’t been the relaxing time I hoped it would be but I’m so glad I came home. It’s made me realise that maybe this little island of ours is the place for me. Near family and friends.
So this is what I’ve been up to over the past couple of weeks:-
Becoming a Godfather again, this time to the gorgeous little Hattie. Another amazing honour in what is without doubt my favourite year ever. Despite her expression I am in no doubt that she is as happy as her Uncle Greig!:)
Meeting the worlds greatest living explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
My brother treated me to hear the great man give a talk at the Royal Geographic Society in aid of the urology foundation.
This guy has walked across the Antarctic, reached both poles by surface and at 65 years old climbed Everest! He is amazing and it was incredible seeing his photos and hearing the stories of what horrific environments the human body can survive in. As I know only too well the human body is one tough cookie!
I emailed Ranulph the day before and he was kind enough to write back and congratulate me on my challenges in life. It was an honour to meet him. (I didn’t buy his book though so I think that’s why he looks so grumpy:)
My mum showing me the inside collar of my shirt and asking if I had EVER cleaned the back of my neck since I’d been away. The answer was no. Mum then proceeded to conduct a surprise attack with a wet cloth when I wasn’t looking. My neck is now red raw…but ridiculously clean! thanks mum!:)
Seeing my favourite book brought to life on stage at the Regents Park Open Theatre in London. If you ever get a chance to see this show then please do. It’s the most magical experience ever and definitely one for your lists. To Kill a Mocking Bird has been my favourite book since I first read at school. It is beautiful and covers every human emotion going. I’m still one day hoping that I’ll be as brave and wise as the amazing Atticus Finch.
A huge thank you to my friend Jenny for this wonderful treat. X
Hanging out with my wonderful dad. Dad asked me if I wanted to go and pick brambles with him one day last week. I hesitated at first but then I thought it would be nice to hang out. I’d actually forgotten how much fun it was picking fruit. We used to go raspberry and strawberry picking as a family when my brother and I were kids. I think we would eat more than we picked but it was a childhood memory I am very fond of. Mum would then make jam and drop scones which was just the best thing ever.
When I was picking the fruit I thought just how amazing our world is that you can just stop by the side of a road and pick these amazing fruits off a tree….for FREE! I wondered how many people had wasted their money buying them from Waitrose that day.
My last day with my big brother and little Sister in law before I go away. I love hanging out with these two. They are such fun and so in love it’s just wonderful. They make me believe that true love really does exist in the world.
We had the best day with smoothies in the morning, before hiring a rowing boat on the Thames and having a picnic. We then messed around and played catch before heading home for a big fat Sunday roast and a movie! The prefect British summers day.
Saying goodbye to my brother was a little bit harder this time because this time I knew just how much I was going to miss him.
My parents will wave me off at Heathrow Airport on Thursday and I have a feeling that one will be the most difficult goodbye of all.
Fear not though because in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger….. “I’LL BE BACK!;)