A candle of hope for Sam

There is a little boy is Australia who is currently fighting for his life. Sam is 8 years old and was diagnosed with cancer last July. It’s not known how long Sam has left to live.
The beautiful Sunshine Coast community have begun a virtual candlelight vigil for Sam, posting photos of candles and messages of support on Sam’s Journey Facebook page.
The amazing organisation 52 Lives has asked people to help support Sam’s family by joining Sam’s local community and posting photos and messages of support on Sam’s Facebook page.
Here is what 52 Lives and 101 Things to Do When Your survive would love our very own communities to do:-
- Light a candle, take a photo and post it on Sam’s Facebook group page with a message of support for Sam, Mark, Tanya and Ella (you may need to click ‘Join Group’ before you can post)
- If you are not on Facebook or if you would just prefer to do it by email, you can email your photos and messages to 52 Lives and we will share them with the family:- http://www.52-lives.org/#!life–34—sam-martin/cwxi
- If you don’t have a candle or time to get one then please feel free to copy the picture I have taken here and paste it with your own message of support to Sam.
Please upload messages and photos to https://m.facebook.com/groups/samsjourney/
Thank you all so much.
My message to Sam and his family:-
Hey Sam! Keep believing and fighting my friend. I was your age when I was ill and you look like much more of a warrior than I ever was. Keep going pal.
We are all with you and sending all of our love and support to you and your family. I lit this candle for you in Scotland. The sun was trying to get around the clouds and once I had taken the photo it popped out. It was almost as if it was trying to say hello to you and to let you know that along with the light of the candle it shines bright for you and your beautiful family.
Stay strong buddy. We all think you are amazing and brave.