My wonderful week in London

I’m currently doing one my favourite things which is sitting in a coffee shop and watching the world go by… in the rain! I’m off back to my parents house tonight after a wonderful week in London. It’s been a bit hectic and I’m actually Looking forward to just getting in the train and having a snooze.
I’ve had some exciting meetings which I hope will lead to great things not just for me but for lots of other people. I’m going to tell you about them next week.
I also got to spend time with my superhero brother and his wonderful wife, I met up with good friends and met their little ones, I met some pals from my volunteering days with Raleigh International and I also had my 6 month check up on Friday which was by far the best check up day I’ve ever had. I laughed more than I worried which is always a good thing. I get the results next week so I’m already getting ready to write…4 YEARS ALL CLEAR!!
Dr Hannah Cohen
The first picture in this little batch is of me with my beautiful haematology doctor Dr Hannah Cohen. Hannah is the person that helped save my life, although she would never admit that. Hannah is the Dr who monitors my INR levels which pretty much means the thickness of my blood. As I have a clot I need to keep it thin so it can pass through smaller veins to get to my heart.
In 2010 and after months of feeling increasingly more tired which others said was down to ‘being 30’, I saw Hannah for a routine appointment and she said
“right Greig, this isn’t good enough we need to sort this out”
and with that she was straight on the phone ordering every test possible. A camera up the bum later and the problem was identified. Without her demanding all these urgent tests, goodness knows how long it would have before I’d figured what was wrong with me.
Along with Sir Professor Alan Craft who was my doctor as a child, she is worshipped by the Trouts. It was so lovely to see her and give her a big hug from a new and improved Greig.
My beautiful cousin Gemma. Gemma is a specialist nurse for the leukaemia unit the hospital I was treated at in London. Gemma became a nurse because she saw how amazing the nurses were that looked after me as a child and was completely inspired. Ever since it is all she wanted to do. Not to be biased but she is the most caring, loving and efficient nurse out there. Check up days mean I get to steal her away for a cuddle and hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate
Compulsory check up hot chocolate! 🙂
Marie and Hilary
These two cheeky characters are my haematology nurses, Marie and Hilary. They are constantly chasing me around the world asking for my blood results. I self check with a clever little machine and I’m meant to email them the results every few weeks but every now and again I need a little reminder!:) My emails to them often start with ‘I’m so sorry for the delay…” Ha! Love you guys. X
This is a rubbish picture as every time I tried to take it Rose kept hiding! This is (part) of Rose. Rose has been taking my blood for years. What I love about Rose is that she always says it how it is. If you look bad she’ll tell you, if you’re too skinny she’ll tell you! It was lovely that this time round she said that I looked really well because I knew she meant it. She also said I was too skinny but I chose to ignore that!:)
My lovely gang
Some of my lovely gang. I’ve missed them beyond words so it was so lovely to catch up with them and meet the new little recruits. They also kindly showed me how to the 101 pose properly!:) X
Pals from Raleigh International
My pals from Raleigh International. I started my trip volunteering with Raleigh International. For 3 months I worked with amazing people on Environmental and Community projects in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. This was one of the best things I’ve done on my trip so far and to make such great friends in the process was the best bonus ever.
So all in all a great trip to my old haunt that is London. Mum’s home cooking awaits..lovely jubbley!