Training update and the dreaded Ivan Dragos (Hills)

I’ve now been here in Connecticut for one week which means I’ve had a total of one weeks training before the big ride next weekend. I don’t regret a single thing about coming here and signing up for this charity bike ride at such short notice but I’m now wishing I had more time to train.
I’ve never done anything like this before and believe me I am exhausted. I’ve been riding an average of 20 miles a day which is a good way short of the 80 miles that is needed to complete the first day of Angelride. I have an even greater respect for the guys that complete the Tour de France now.
Today I finally mastered the gears on my bike and learned how to unclip from my pedals after learning the hard way from two minor wipeouts!
A few people here have been telling me how hard this ride actually is and that I shouldn’t expect to finish on my first attempt… which makes me want to finish it even more! 🙂 I’m not going to lie, yesterday’s hills were a killer and my legs are struggling to get going but I really want to finish this one. I keep thinking back to 3 years ago when I could barely walk down the road and now here I am about to ride 140 miles in 2 days!
The hills are going to be my biggest worry on the ride. I’ve named the hills ‘Ivan Dragos’ after Dolph Lungrens character in a Rocky IV! This has inspired me to make a Training Montage video which should be hilarious. Just think Rocky minus the big muscles! 🙂 I’ve attached a screenshot picture from my video which shows a drawing of me on a hill as a homage to Rocky. Rocky has a picture of Ivan Drago (his nemesis) on his mirror in the film to inspire him to train harder! Yes, I’m that sad!:) (Rocky wins in the end by the way so the picture thing worked)
A massive thank you to all those who have sponsored me so far. If you would like to sponsor me and help raise money for the Hole in Wall gang camp which is a camp for seriously ill children then please see the link below.
This camp let’s kids with serious illness be kids again and experience joy. Something I believe to be the best medicine of all. They also have a hospital outreach program which sends the fun to hospitals for kids that are too ill to attend camp.
Tests have shown that the children’s disease fighting white cells are much higher at the end of camp so if you are feeling a bit run down or ill get out there and have some fun or as Paul Newman said when he created the camp ‘raise hell’!:)
Training montage video coming soon!